Alex Aiken's blog, started when I was working in Gambia in 2005...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

answer to mystery Chest x-ray competition

This is the answer to the question of the previous post : have a look at that before reading the answer.

Luca Sarti sent me the right answer last night, I'm very impressed. Here is his email

Very interesting case. Just a quick note to underline that praziquantel is active against the adult stage of Schisto, and nearly uneffective in killing cercariae after introduction in body fluid trought the skin. In other words, there is no chemoprophilaxis agaist schisto with praziquantel or other antihelmintics. A guy with fever reporting to have taken pills after swimming in high risk waters remains at high risk to have katayama fever.
Good luke for your great and exciting work
Luca Sarti, Italy

So the reason that the previous X-ray had strange "lumps" was that parasitic flatworms were migrating through his lungs on the way to his bladder, where they would lay their eggs ... sounds worse than a sci-fi horror movie !

Anyway, very impressed by Luca's knowledge of parasite pharmacology... here is a photo which I'm sure will please him :

Forza Italia !


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